In early March Joe took a short trip to southern Utah to visit Bears Ears National Monument. The monument was established in 2016 and is approximately 1,350,000 acres in size. It protects both native american cultural resources and natural resources. This photo shows The Bears Ears the monument is named after.
Cedar Mesa is a large plateau in Bears Ears National Monument with many canyons and cliffs. Hidden among these canyons are numerous Ancient Pueblo ruins. This is the House on Fire ruin found in South Mule Canyon after a one mile hike.
During late morning on sunny days the sunlight bounces off the rock in the canyon floor hitting the cliff face. The combination of the sunlight and the texture of the cliff face combine to create the illusion of fire.
Abajo Mountains.
Comb Ridge is a linear north to south monocline nearly 80 miles long in Southeastern Utah and Northeastern Arizona. It is rich in Ancient Pueblo ruins and petroglyphs.
Procession Panel found at the top of Comb Ridge.
Monarch Cave ruins at Comb Ridge. Note this ruin is three stories high.
Wolfman Petroglyph panel.
The Moki Dugway is a series of switch backs that ascend from The Valley of the Gods about 1000 feet to Cedar Mesa.
When approaching the Moki Dugway the idea of driving to the top of Cedar Mesa looks impossible.
A small portion of the Moki Dugway road.
A left turn at the top of the Moki Dugway leads to Muley Point and a view of Monument Valley and the Goosenecks of the San Juan River from about 1000 feet above it.
Goosenecks of the San Juan River. It is approximately 1000 feet down to the river. Behind this view is Muley Point which is about 1000 feet above the viewpoint. The river travels 6 miles while only advancing 1.5 miles.
Valley of the Gods seen from the top of the Moki Dugway. A 17 mile Jeep Trail winds through the valley which has rock formations similar to those in Monument Valley with tall, reddish brown mesas, buttes, towers, and mushrooms rocks.
Typical view Valley of the Gods.
Sitting Hen Butte Valley of the Gods.
Sunset Valley of the Gods.
The Mexican Hat mushroom rock.
Triangles seen just north of Mexican Hat, Utah.
On the way home passing through Monument Valley. This is the view from Forest Gump Hill.
One last look at Monument Valley.