Palo Duro Canyon is the second largest canyon system in the United States. The canyon is about 120 miles long and 20 miles wide, and is up to 800 feet deep.
You can see the beautiful colors of the four geologic layers as you descend 500 feet to the floor of the canyon. The canyon began forming a million years ago. But the walls of the canyon tell a much older geologic story – about 250 million years old.

Palo Duro vista.

We regularly saw turkeys in the park.

Road Runner Meep Meep
Tarantula found near our camper.

The hike to the Lighthouse is considered one of the best in the park. However, it was closed due to flood damage during our visit.
Incoming storm. There were severe storms our entire visit which led to closed trails and floods. Luckily for us the tornados and softball sized hail missed.