Sedona Robbers Roost and Chocolate Falls

This is Grand Falls, aka Chocolate Falls, located near Flagstaff, AZ. It is currently closed due to poor behavior of visitors.

The falls are fed by the snowmelt and rain from the White Mountains and flow into the Little Colorado River and only flow intermittently. Grand Falls is 181 feet tall which is just a few feet taller than Niagara Falls so it is an amazing site.

The water is truly chocolate milk brown and extremely opaque. This is due to the very loose sandy soils of the Little Colorado River basin and the high velocity and flow required for water to actually reach the falls.

Robbers Roost is a beautiful cave located off the beaten path near Sedona, AZ. It is a short hike to reach the cave, but there is a lot of exposure to the risk of falling as the last 20 ft or so is about the width of one shoe.

You will need to walk/climb across this steep slope to reach the cave.

This circular hole makes for a perfect picture frame.

The cave is the dark spot near the top of the hill and just right of center.

This is the view from the cave. You are far enough from Sedona that this is a peaceful area has almost no human noise.

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