In late April Joe took the 5th wheel solo from Mesa, AZ to Houghton, MI to help Shaun move into their first house. This included sharing the camper with Shaun and their two cats for about three weeks and some home improvement projects with Shaun. Jane stayed in Mesa, both to reduce crowding in the camper while Shaun stayed there and to oversee the construction of our new house in Mesa (more on that later). So this post is a bit different since the focus was not on having a great time, but on being useful. However, Joe did get out for hikes several times during his stay in Houghton.

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is framed by lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron, and the state of Wisconsin. It is known for being a year-round outdoor recreation destination, and is also the home of Michigan Tech, where Shaun graduated and now works.

While in Houghton Joe visited his mom in West Virginia, our daughter Kellie and our grandkids in Minnesota, brother Tim also in Minnesota, and several friends.

At the top of the Keweenaw Peninsula is Copper Harbor, famous for beautiful scenery, mountain biking, hiking, and lots of snow.

Shaun and the cats are happy in their new home and Joe is now back in Mesa, AZ with Jane and our cat Zazzy who is very happy to have both of her people again.