Before visiting Kellie and our grandkids in Minnesota we needed to kill a week somewhere and chose Custer, SD. We have been here several times and it is one of our favorite stops. Joe didn’t think this stop through all the way and we ended up in Custer during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Nothing against motorcycle riders, but being here during a pandemic with the vast majority of folks not wearing masks really limited what we could do. We basically drove the Custer State Park Wildlife Loop and hung around the campground.

The Custer State Park Donkeys are found on the Custer State Park Wildlife Loop. They are very friendly, but do expect to be fed. We have seen folks offer them apples and carrots. The donkeys loved these offerings. Disclaimer, despite how friendly they are please remember they are still wild animals which is why we always stay back from them. This is an 18 mile drive where you will see bison, pronghorn and the donkeys. If you are lucky you will also see bighorn sheep; we weren’t lucky this time. Plan to spend several hours on this drive and be ready to take lots of photos.

The whole Black Hills area is an amazing vacation spot. Great food, several micro breweries, Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore, Devil’s Tower National Monument, Jewel Cave National Monument, Wind Cave National Park and much more. No wonder we have been there every year starting in 2016!