Welcome to Our Journey

In early June, Jane and I will start a new life and lifestyle. During our camping trips last summer we discovered when we are most happy and how we want to spend the next many years together. So in the spirit of, You Only Live Once, we are selling our home on beautiful Lake Shishebogama and moving into our camper.


We will be traveling throughout the amazing USA (and occasionally Canada, but only when it is warm) following our whims and the weather to more fully experience this place we have called home for our entire lives.

We have spent the past few months preparing: giving items to our kids, selling other items, finishing smaller items in our house, and  making modifications to our camper. It can be exhausting work. We can see the finish line and are approaching ready.

First up, the Twin Cities in Minnesota where Jordan, our 11 year old grandson, will join us for a trip to South Dakota and we will visit my brother Tim and his family.. We will visit Badlands National Park, Mount Rushmore National Monument, Wind Cave National Park, Jewel Cave National Monument, our campground swimming pool, and Custer State Park. Jordan will then return home and we will continue on our 15 to 20 year camping trip.

The next few stops include: Devils Tower National Monument, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Little Bighorn National Battlefield, and Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We then plan to meander our way to Florida where we will spend several months this winter.

We don’t know what we will do next, but that is part of the beauty of our new life. We promise we will do something and go somewhere you wish you could experience. If you want to follow our journey we will post updates to Facebook, more extensive updates to our blog at: journeywithjoeandjane.com, and video on our YouTube channel Journey with Joe and Jane (coming later). Our blog and YouTube channel are both works in progress and will initially be unfinished. Your feedback is appreciated and I will fill in the unfinished bits as I learn about website building and video production, both of which are entirely new to me!

We will try and reach out to folks as we travel near where you live, however, we don’t know where all of you are off the top of our heads so please reach out to us and help us reconnect in person as we cruise through your area. I close for now with this thought I read someplace, however,  I do not remember where: Experiences appreciate and stuff depreciates.

1 thought on “Welcome to Our Journey”

  1. Sheri Jackson

    What a wonderful adventure you two are about to take! I look forward to reading (and viewing) all your updates and photos.

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